Battle of the Books

The Battle of the Books program is intended to promote reading and reward our middle school readers that have expressed an interest in participating in the annual competition.  

Participation involves commitment and we want to make sure that both parents and students are aware of the requirements for becoming a team member.  Once students agree to become a team member, it is important that he/she take their commitment seriously.  The district and school have invested time, money, and resources toward sponsoring the competition and full participation from all team members will ensure that this competition will be a huge success!

Each student on a team reads one (or more) book selected from a list of five titles and becomes the “expert” for their chosen book.  (The books have been chosen by the District 202 middle school Media Specialists from the list of twenty current Rebecca Caudill Award Nominee books.)  There will be several rounds of competition and teams will be set up in brackets and participate in “playoffs,” playing down until we get an overall school winner.  The winning team from Timber Ridge will compete against all the other middle school champions.

The entire B.O.B. competition takes place during the month of February.  The team battles are during the school day, so there are no after-school, evening, or weekend commitments; however, students are required to read their chosen books, which will include time outside of school.  Teams are encouraged to meet regularly with their team members (inside and/or outside of school) and teacher-coach to prepare for the competition. 

Timber Ridge thanks you for your support in encouraging your student to participate in this exciting school event!

- B.O.B. Google Form Permission Slip  (due 10/18/24)

- B.O.B. Shirt Design Contest   (due 11/22/24)

- Online T-Shirt Order (due 12/20/24)

2024 - 2025  B.O.B. Titles

The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

 Star Fish by Lisa Fipps

 Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation by Stuart Gibbs

 The Fort by Gordon Korman

 A Rover's Story by Jasmine Warga

book cover

book cover

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book cover

Tentative 2024-2025  B.O.B. Dates:

October 18............Google Form online permission slip due

October 30...........Books delivered to BOB Coaches

November 22........T-shirt Design Contest entries due

December 19.........BOB T-shirt order due  (optional)

January 28............Written Round 1

January 29.............Written Round 2

January 30.............Written Round 3

February 3..............Written Round 4

February 5.............Verbal Round 5  (Sweet 16)

February 6.............Verbal Round 6  (Top 8)

February 7.............  Verbal Round 7  (Final 4) & Championship Round (Final 2)!

February 27...........DISTRICT BOB @ Heritage Grove Middle School

 2024 - Congratulations to All Booked!

students with trophies